Current Issue


From the contents:

  • Studies
    BRIGITTA-GYÖNGYIKE OLOSZ, The Memory of Actress/Writer Rózsa Ignáczin Covasna
    ZSOLT NAGY, The (Missing) Elements of the Local/Regional Myth and Cult of Péter Bodor
    ÁRON BAKOS, The Society of Acceleration, the Memory of the Moments

  • Workshop
    MÁRIA-ORSOLYA TÓTH, The Genealogical Family Memories of a Settler Family in Roșiori (Mureș county)
    SEBASTIAN LATOCHA, The Smallest Holiday In The World. What and Why Do The Inhabitants of the Józef Montwiłł-Mirecki Housing Estate in Łódź Commemorate On January 14?

  • Book Reviews
    FERENC POZSONY, Dolgozatok az erdélyi magyar falvak társadalmáról (Papers on the Society of Hungarian Villages in Transylvania) (Emese Pál)
    ÁRPÁD BAJKÓ, Halottbúcsúztató versek Erdélyben a 20. század második felében (FuneralPoems in Transylvania in the Second Half of the 20th Century) (Julianna Lingvay)

  • In Memoriam
    JÓZSEF FARAGÓ (1922–2004) (András Beke)
    For the Ornament of Church and Homeland. Mihály Lukáts, Founder of the Ciuc Szekler Boarding School System, Was Born 345 Years Ago (Ignác András)