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45 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) from Romanian into foreign language

40 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) from foreign language into Romanian

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25 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) foreign language text

20 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) Romanian text

Language services for employers

The ALPHA language test by phone
Who can use this language service?

The ALPHA language test by phone is a service offered to employers who need an on-the-spot, fast and efficient evaluation of job applicants’ proficiency level in a foreign language. It is a global test which provides a diagnostic score of language level, which places the candidate on a 9-band scale, from beginner to mastery, based on the Common European Framework of Languages(CEFR).

Advantages of the ALPHA language test by phone:

It is a fast (8 to 12 minutes per candidate), objective and efficient assessment of proficiency level in a foreign language

It uses the same testing and scoring system for a variety of languages

Expert assessors of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Letters of the Babeş-Bolyai University, with up to 16 years experience in testing foreign languages according to the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR)

The Alpha language test by phone is designed strictly for use of employers who need a quick assessment of the job applicants’ language level. Certificates are not issued as the centre cannot check the candidate’s identity over the phone.

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