45 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) from Romanian into foreign language |
40 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) from foreign language into Romanian |
Proof-reading and review:
25 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) foreign language text |
20 lei/standard page (450 words of source text) Romanian text |
Language services for employers
The ALPHA language test by phone
Who can use this language service?
The ALPHA language test by phone is a service offered to employers who need an on-the-spot, fast and efficient evaluation of job applicants’ proficiency level in a foreign language. It is a global test which provides a diagnostic score of language level, which places the candidate on a 9-band scale, from beginner to mastery, based on the Common European Framework of Languages(CEFR).
Advantages of the ALPHA language test by phone:
It is a fast (8 to 12 minutes per candidate), objective and efficient assessment of proficiency level in a foreign language |
It uses the same testing and scoring system for a variety of languages |
Expert assessors of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Letters of the Babeş-Bolyai University, with up to 16 years experience in testing foreign languages according to the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) |
The Alpha language test by phone is designed strictly for use of employers who need a quick assessment of the job applicants’ language level. Certificates are not issued as the centre cannot check the candidate’s identity over the phone.