
日本    日本語    日本文化  日本歌  日本文学

Horea street no. 31, 400202 Cluj-Napoca
Tel. 0264 534898/ int. 5609

Discover the fascination of Japan!
Live the exotism of the Japanese culture!
Accept the challenge of a language that is completely different from the occidental ones!

Follow a dream in life!


The admission for the Japanese language and literature programme is done in accordance with higher education regulations.

Selection criteria:

  • High School Graduates
    • Overall Baccalaureate score;
    • A test to verify knowledge in an international language.
  • Bachelors
    • Undergraduate exam score.

The Japanese language and literature programme diversifies the Faculty of Letters’ academic offer, enriching the institution’s programmes with a specialization which targets the study of languages and cultures lesser or not at all studied at a university level until now.

The proposition of the major in Japanese language and literature initiative was justified by the previous existence of a minor in Japanese language and literature, which has been part of the Faculty of Letters’ circular syllabus since the 1999/2000 academic year, on the basis of the M.E.N. advice from 15.09.1999, the legal framework having been confirmed by obtaining the approval of the provisional operation authorization of the B specialization according to H. G. 410/2002 from 25th April 2002. The Japanese language and literature A specialization received A.R.A.C.I.S. accreditation in the year 2009.

The Japanese language and literature programme presents a significant opening towards the Japanese cultural and educational fields, towards which a continuously growing interest can be observed, this specialization’s introduction in the academic curriculum aligning the Babeş-Bolyai University with numerous prestigious European and American universities which have Asian Studies programmes in their framework.

Currently, within the Japanese language and literature programme, many studying and polishing opportunities are being harnessed at foreign universities from Europe or Japan, such as Erasmus+ agreements or others in collaboration with European universities, student exchange programmes with the Kobe University (Japan), Ehime University (Japan), Musashino University (Japan) and Kanagawa University (Japan).

History of student mobilities/professors:

The Japanese language and literature major (A) curriculum consists of fundamental subjects, specialties and optional subjects. The structure of the curriculum is laid out over a period of 6 semesters of 14 weeks each.

To finish their studies, students need to gain 180 credits, out of which 143 in mandatory subjects, 37 in optional subjects, 12 in professional practice, 4 in Physical education, to which 20 credits are added after the undergraduate exam.

Scientific and cultural exhibitions:
  • In addition to the teaching activity itself, special attention is given to the extracurricular activities that the Sembazuru Centre for Japanese Studies carries out during the academic year: calligraphy courses, origami, sumie, renzuru, mizuhiki, lectures on Japanology, pop culture etc. These actions are carried out with the participation of prestigious specialists from our country or from Japan, in order to offer students a direct and authentic connection with the Japanese cultural space.

  • Students’ Scientific Research Session – students can explore various topics of interest in the Japanese language, literature and culture fields in an academic environment every year.

  • Students of the Japanese language and literature major have obtained, year after year, outstanding results in the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (Nihongo nōryoku shiken), organised by the Embassy of Japan in collaboration with the Japan Foundation (Tokyo) and APJR.


The Japanese library:

The Classroom:




20th May 2022: Searching for Japan – Students’ Scientific Session
19th May 2022: Book Lauch: Teru Miyamoto, „Vis de primăvară” (Humanitas, 2022)
11th May 2022: Mr. Counsellor Tatsuo Kitagawa (Embassy of Japan) Visiting the Sembazuru Centre for Japanese Studies (Faculty of Letters BBU)

April 2022
15th April 2022: Spring in Cluj coloured like the sakura flower

March 2022
March 2022: New editorial apparition: Florina Ilis, Romanul japonez în secolul al XX-lea


December 2021
17th December 2021: Membership certificate of the Japan Foundation “Sakura Network” ・JF日本語ネットワーク(さくらネットワーク)メンバー証
13th - 16th December 2021: Let’s sing carols in Japanese! (Coord. Oana Bîrlea and Ciliana Tudorică)
5th December 2021: Winter Japanese story for the kids from the „ House of Joy” Orphanage

November 2021
5th November 2021: Japanese culture on the horizon of radio ideas
4th November 2021: The students celebrate Day of Japanese culture文化の日祝いに・日本語学科学習者の十二俳人 (coord.: Lect. univ. dr. Florina Ilis)
3rd November 2021: 文化の日・Day of Japanese Culture・ TVR Cluj/TVR 3: Dialogue lines (Rodica Frențiu și Florina Ilis); Objective foreground
2nd November 2021: Book Launch: Rodica Frențiu, The Japanese Calligraphy in the memory of the moment (Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Univeristy Press, 2021)

July 2021
26th -30th July 2021: Junior Summer University - 日本語・日本文化入門 - Introductory course into Japanese language and culture (in collaboration with OSUBB) • 13th July 2021: A new editorial appearance: Rodica Frențiu, The Japanese Calligraphy in the memory of the moment (Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Univeristy Press, 2021)
4th July 2021: Student’s Graduation Ceremony – Class of 2021 – Specialization Japanese Language and Literature

June 2021
2nd June 2021: 「俳句コンテスト」 - Stud. Mălina Hardulea (3rd Year, specialization Japanese-English) awarded at an international contest of Haiku
1st June 2021: 1st of June – Together with the children from “House of Joy”

May 2021
14th May 2021: In Search of Japan – The Students’ Scientific Session
13th May 2021: Diplomacy and culture (3) – 100 years of Romanian-Japanese diplomatic relations
5th May 2021: 子供の日 ・ Children’s Day at the “House of Joy” Orphanage (Cluj-Napoca)

April 2021
17th - 25th April 2021: Sakura flowers in Cluj parks
16th April 2021: Diplomacy and culture (2) – 100 years of Romanian-Japanese diplomatic relations
10th 2021: “What does it mean to be a student in Japan”, in collaboration with Romania’s Student League – Japan department
2nd April 2021: Diplomacy and culture – 100 years of Romanian-Japanese diplomatic relations

March 2021
3rd March 2021: Hina Matsuri ・Holiday of the dolls at CSJS – doll donation from Prof. Dr. Emeritus Yoshihiko Ikegami and Prof. Ikuko Ikegami (University of Tokyo, Japan)
1st March 2021: Babeș-Bolyai University Excellence Awards 2020
Excellence award for innovative and cultural services towards society is awarded to Prof. univ. dr. Rodica Frențiu (Faculty of Letters), as acknowledgment for outstanding results in 2020

February 2021
Japan’s National Day
Haiku poems by Florina Ilis translated into Hungarian


© Copyright Centrul de Studii Japoneze Sembazuru - 2025 Ultima actualizare: 06. 07. 2022

Adresa: Facultatea de Litere (UBB),
Str. Horea nr.31, 400202 Cluj-Napoca
Contact: rfrentiu[at]

Adresa: Str. Horea nr. 31, 400202 Cluj-Napoca
Telefon: 0264 534898/ int. 5609