Gabriela Isaila | Doktori Iskola, Hungarológiai Tudományok Doktori Iskola

The latest issue of Hungarian Studies Yearbook, the English-language journal of Hungarian Studies published by the renowned De Gruyter Brill, was released in December. Indexed in numerous prestigious international databases, this thematic issue is centred around Circulation and Hungarian Studies. It seeks to trace the local and international circulation of texts, objects, topoi, cultural norms, and practices related to Hungarian studies.

One of the issue’s notable articles is authored by Dorottya Tőtős, a third-year doctoral candidate at the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies. Her pioneering study explores the early history of Hungarian decadence and its transnational embeddedness.

The issue is freely accessible on the journal’s official website, where articles from previous volumes can also be downloaded without restrictions:

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