Faculty of Letters

The Faculty of Letters, one of BBU largest faculties, offers instruction in a wide and diverse range of areas, as follows: Philology Studies, Modern and Classic Languages and Literatures; Applied Modern Languages; Cultural Studies; Ethnology and Ethnography.

A special emphasis is placed on advanced scientific research. This is directed towards the fields of language, linguistics, literature and ethnology. The institutional framework for scientific research includes department teams and groups of departments, interdisciplinary research teams, as well as national and international projects. To facilitate research activities, 8 branches of the Central University Library and another 16 independent libraries are hosted by the faculty, libraries which are affiliated with various departments and cultural and research centres.

The Faculty of Letters is among the faculties enjoying the largest number of partnerships with fellow international faculties and academic institutions in the country, and abroad. Collaboration with similar international and prestigious institutions targets joint degree programmes, the development of research projects, mobility schemes for both teaching staff and students, all with a mind for curricular compatibility. The faculty participates in actions carried out within the SOCRATES-ERASMUS European programmes and insures the recognition of credit hours obtained by students during study programmes at partner institutions.



News feed

Árpád Mitruly’s presentation at BASEES Annual Conference

Árpád Mitruly, 3rd year PhD student at the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies, gave a presentation on his innovative doctoral research topic, Joyce’s translations into Hungarian, on the third day of the BASEES Annual Conference
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New edited volume summarising the work  of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers on Old Hungarian literature

As a result of the research work of alumni and current doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies, the Res Litteraria Transylvaniae Vetus Working Group on the History of Literature and Culture published
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Annual doctoral students’ conference of the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies

The Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies is organising its prestigious annual doctoral students’ conference on 19 April. This year, 24 of the 54 students of Romania’s largest and first Hungarian-language doctoral school will present their
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Next event

01-Mar-19 event-img

Mentés másként pedagógia konferencia 2.

Pedagógia konferencia Helyszín: BBTE BTK épülete, Horea u. 31. sz. Brassai, Dézsi, Eminescu, Stanca terem. Időpont: március 1–2.

Important events



Serie de prelegeri: Filippo LA PORTA (Roma)

Două prelegeri susținute de Filippo LA PORTA Marți, 26 martie 2019



Beszélgetés Krasznahorkai Lászlóval

Beszélgetés Helyszín: BBTE Aula Magna





Horváth Andor 75.

Emlékkonferencia Helyszín: BBTE, Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Horea u. 31, Popovici terem. Időpont: 2019. március 8–9.



Könyvbemutató: Berszán István, Ritmikai dimenziók

Könyvbemutató Helyszín: a BBTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar kis díszterme/Popovici terem (Horea u. 31. sz.). Időpont: március 4., 18 órától.



Mentés másként pedagógia konferencia 2.

Pedagógia konferencia Helyszín: BBTE BTK épülete, Horea u. 31. sz. Brassai, Dézsi, Eminescu, Stanca terem. Időpont: március 1–2.


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