The Faculty of Letters is one of BBU faculties boasting the widest and most prestigious partnerships with other universities and higher education establishments in Romania and abroad, as well as with European Institutions. It promotes joint programmes undertaking sustained collaborative research toward best practice. Collaborative effort is directed at setting up joint degree programmes and research schemes, publications, mobility for both teaching staff and students, as well as curricular compatibility.

The Office of International Relations within the Faculty of Letters, coordinated by the Vice‑Dean of International Relations assisted by an International Relations Board comprising representatives of all the departments. The continuing development of international relations required the setting up of this working group for the management of a large volume of international activities unfolding at the Faculty, one specialised in different types of programmes and cooperation. The Faculty of Letters participates in international programmes carried out in collaboration with the European Commission (TEMPUS, ERASMUS‑SOCRATES, LEONARDO DA VINCI), and with various governmental or regional bodies (Ministry of Education, Research, and Youth, The National Authority for Scientific Research, CEEPUS, DAAD), institutions or foundations.

Among these:

  1. Erasmus+
  2. Cultural Heritage and European Integration
  3. The EMCI Consortium
  4. The EMT Consortium
  5. The LEONARDO DA VINCI Programme
  6. The CEEPUS Programme
  7. DAAD Scholarship Programmes
  8. The Makovecz Programme
  9. Thematic Network Project in the Area of Languages I – D 2000

National Partnerships:

  1. University of Bucharest, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, West University of Timișoara
  2. Cluj County Centre for the Conservation and Promoting of Traditional Culture
  3. Cluj County School Inspectorate
  4. The Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania
  5. Mureș County Museum, The Department of Ethnography and Traditional Art
  6. The Department of German Language and Literature, Partium Christian University, Oradea
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