UBB | News

focus especially on the analysis of 18th and 19th century works)

Leaders: Emese Egyed, Annamária Biró

Meetings: once in a fortnight on Mondays (10th and 24th October, 7th and 21st November) in the Ottlik room


  • introduction into the scientific research; misteries in literary and theatre history (framing of the subject list), individual tasks
  • introduction of the PhD students
  • visit in a literary research center
  • theatre research; analysis of theatrical publications, interviews, theatre-going
  • preparation for the students’ scientific conference
  • writing and discussion of scientific texts

Applications per e-mail (egyed.emese@gmail.com; biroancsa@yahoo.de) or personally on 10th October.

All interested are welcome, irrespective of year of study or profile.

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