Árpád Mitruly’s presentation at BASEES Annual Conference

Árpád Mitruly, 3rd year PhD student at the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies, gave a presentation on his innovative doctoral research topic, Joyce’s translations into Hungarian, on the third day of the BASEES Annual Conference
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New edited volume summarising the work  of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers on Old Hungarian literature

As a result of the research work of alumni and current doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies, the Res Litteraria Transylvaniae Vetus Working Group on the History of Literature and Culture published
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Annual doctoral students’ conference of the Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies

The Doctoral School of Hungarian Studies is organising its prestigious annual doctoral students’ conference on 19 April. This year, 24 of the 54 students of Romania’s largest and first Hungarian-language doctoral school will present their
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People and Contexts

The Transylvanian Museum Association’s series of ethnographic and anthropological dissertations of the Doctoral School of Hungarology, entitled People and Contexts, has reached its 25th volume. The series and the most recent volumes will be presented
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Our PhD student’s recent publication in German on the Hungarian star actress of the 19thcentury

Júlia Jakab, a first-year student at our doctoral school, has published a paper on HungarianStudies in German. Published as the 12th volume of the Klausenburger Beiträge zurGermanistik, the volume entitled Gender und Gendern in Sprache
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HSY is published by de Gruyter/Scindo. This year’s volume of our Hungarian Studies Yearbook has been published: Volume 4 (2022): Issue 1 (November 2022) (sciendo.com) The Hungarian Studies Yearbook is an English-language journal of Hungarian Studies
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Postantropocentric Approaches of the Oeuvre of Miklós Mészöly and János Pilinszky

We kindly invite you to attend the Postantropocentric Approaches of the Oeuvre of Miklós Mészöly and János Pilinszky, which will be held on 26th and 27th of March. Platform: MS Teams Program: 26th of March, Friday 16.00–16.20.
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Our tribute to Imre Kertész

The new issue of Philobiblon is out, with our colleague’s essay The first 2016-issue of Philobiblon. Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities publishes Zsuzsa Selyem’s essay entitled “Being an Object. Being a Person. Indirect
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All interested are welcome to the opening ceremonies of the 2016/2017 academic year.

An ethnographic lecture is going to open the new year for the Hungarian community of the Faculty of Letters. This will take place on 3rd October 2016, 2 pm. The Romanian-speaking opening lecture is due
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The Public Defence of Zalán Serestély’s Doctoral Thesis

Date and location: 4th July 2016, 12:30 pm BBU, Faculty of Letters, Horea street nr. 31. Popovici room The Hungarology Doctoral School of the Babeș–Bolyai University and the Department of Hungarian Literary Studies are pleased
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Interkulturali-THÉ Research Group Comparative Literary and Theatre History Workshop

focus especially on the analysis of 18th and 19th century works) Leaders: Emese Egyed, Annamária Biró Meetings: once in a fortnight on Mondays (10th and 24th October, 7th and 21st November) in the Ottlik room
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Freshmen’s Day on 19th November 2017

Dear First Year Students! We are glad to announce this year’s freshmen’s day, a whole day-event. Each of You studying Hungarian, comparative literature and ethnography is welcome. In the morning and in the afternoon small
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Invisible College Appetizer

If you are curious what’s on this academic year in the Láthatatlan Kollégium [Invisible College], the Hungarian department’s vocational college, then you are welcome tomorrow, on 12th October 2016, 6 pm in the Brassai room
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The Critics of State Socialism and Postsocialism

Our vocational college, the Láthatatlan Kollégium [Invisible College] initiated in the 2016/2017 academic year the launching of an interdisciplinary series that colligates researchers from different vocational colleges. The programs take place with the help of
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Interdisciplinary Forum for Talents Workshop and Conference

On 10–11th March 2017 will take place the BBU Interdisciplinary Forum for Talents (workshop and conference) organized by the Babeş–Bolyai University and the Kolozsvári Magyar Egyetemi Intézet (KMEI) [Hungarian Academic Institute Cluj].   Those who
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The English-Speaking Sound Recording of the Conversation About the Film Son of Saul is Available

The discussion in English took place on 17th March 2017 in the assembly hall of the BBU. The 2015 Hungarian drama film, set in Auschwitz, was directed by László Nemes, and won several prestigious awards:
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Scientific Conference for PhD Students

Babeş–Bolyai University Hungarology Doctoral School 12th May 2017 The annual conference of the PhD students of the Babeş–Bolyai University, Hungarology Doctoral School will be held this year on 12th May. The event’s venue is going
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A new volume of Phd-students’ studies is out

The volume Események, folyamatok, szövegek [Events, Processes, Texts] contains a selection of studies from the 2016-edition of the Hungarology Phd-students’ scientific conference. This is the third piece of the series: in 2014, the first volume
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The Department of Hungarian Literary Studies is announcing a permanent lecturer position. The following courses/seminaries are included in its frame the: The history of the Hungarian literature III. (1700–1849); The history of world literature: baroque
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Book Recommendation Mysticism in the Late Medieval Hungarian-language Monastic Codices by Ágnes Korondi

The volume Misztika a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexirodalomban [Mysticism in the Late Medieval Hungarian-language Monastic Codices] by Ágnes Korondi was presented at the Faculty of Letters of the Babeş–Bolyai University on 22nd May 2017. The
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Public Discourse for Lecturer Post

For the lecturer post announced by the Department of Hungarian Literary Studies Annamária Biró applied. The public lecture that is part of the competition will be held on 29th June 2017, 10 am in the
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Congratulations to Our Newly Enroled Students

We are glad to welcome close to a hundred new students at the Hungarian departments The final results of the prelim exams for Hungarian language and literature – foreign language / comparative literature and world
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Cluj Letters Summer School

The BBU Faculty of Letters organized with international support a summer school between 17–31th July for Transylvanian high school-students of Romanian, Hungarian, German, Roma and other nationalities. The vocational training offered various literary and lingvistic
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The Blog ASZEM Will Be Refreshed in the Holiday Too!

Because thinking, analysing, writing, shading, translating, reading, understanding issues is fun – during the Summer as well! The magazine of our vocational college, the Láthatatlan Kollégium [Invisible College] is called ASZEM, i.e. ‘the eye’. It
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Marianum through Students’ Eyes

The Representations of the Building of the Faculty of Letters on the 8th Hungarian Cultural Days of Kolozsvár (Cluj) In the competition Örökségünk Őrei [The Wards of Our Heritage] students from several high schools from
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III. Meeting of Students and Alumni of the Hungarian department

On 18th August 2017 took place the III. meeting of (former) students of the Hungarian Department. The summit started on Friday with professor Jolán Orbán’s arresting lecture on the relationship between literature and opera, and
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Autumn Matriculation at the BBU, Faculty of Letters, Hungarian department

Did you miss the prelim from July? Soon you will get the chance again to enroll at the education programmes of the Babeș–Bolyai University. Here you can find out how many places are still unoccupied.
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The opening ceremonies of the 145th academic year

The opening ceremonies of the 145th academic year of the Faculty of Letters will take place on Monday, 2nd October 2017. The Hungarian department is going to have an opening lecture at 2 pm in
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Call for freshmen

The freshmen’s day and ball of the Hungarian department will take place on 11th November 2017. The staff and doctoral students belonging to the Hungarian departments hold altogether 9 workshops between 1 pm–4 pm, on
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New Books in the Library of Hungarology

Many interesting and notable books arrived into our library between September and December 2017. In the last months our library received a number of notable books in the field of letters, linguistics and ethnography-anthropology, among
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Commemoration joint with book launches 20th December Invitation

The BBU Faculty of Letters, Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics, along with the Committee on Linguistics of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Cluj (KAB) commemorates the 90th birth and
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Congratulations to Edit Kádár! BBU Outstanding Professor Award

The Outstanding Professor Award is given each year by the BBU. This year Edit Kádár, member of the teaching staff of the Department of Hungarian and General Linguistics received it, out of the associates of
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Prison and Writing – Prison Literature in Early Modernism

Dr. Zsombor Tóth’s Lecture Dr. Zsombor Tóth, researcher of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Literary Studies is going to hold a public lecture in Cluj-Napoca next week: Börtön és írás – börtönírás a
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The Anthropology of the Early Modern Book

Dr. Zsombor Tóth’s Book Launch at Cluj-Napoca Dr. Zsombor Tóth, researcher of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Literary Studies is going to have a book launch in Cluj-Napoca next week: A kora újkori
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Supercourse in the pedagogy of the mother tongue

11–12th April We invite all our interested students to a supercourse in the pedagogy of the mother tongue on 11th and 12th April 2018.   Lecturer/leader of the workshops: Dr. Ágnes Antalné Szabó, associate professor,
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Traditions of ethnographic research in Cluj – Science history conference

On the 20th of October 2017 the Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Antropology of Babeș-Bolyai University, the Kriza János Ethnographic Society, the Commitee on Ethnography and Antropology of KAB (Regional Committee in Cluj of the
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Professional Experience Project

In September 2017 eight students of the Department of Ethnology and Hungarian Anthropology and two doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Hungarology Studies participated in a one-week ethnographic practice in Budapest and Szentendre. In
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Professional practice at Mera World Music festival

At the first time, in 2017, the Department of Hungarian Etnography and Antropology organized a professional practice for students, which took place in Mera during the “Mera World Music Festival” in July. During this internship,
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„Cultural Acupuncture” at Vibe Festival

On the 7th of July  2017, at the Vibe festival, Beáta Molnár PhD student did a presentation entitled Cultural Acupuncture: the Interactions of Cultures, Spaces and Human Behaviors. In her presentation she stressed the different
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The results of Ethnography students at the 20th Scientific Student Conference of Transylvania

The Ethnography Section of the XX. Scientific Student Conference of Transylvania was held on the 19th of May  2018. The conference was opened by Klára Kuti PhD, cultural anthropologist of the German Minority Museum (Hungary)
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TÉNYKÉPEK photography exhibition opening

Tranzit House is hosting its first exhibit featuring pieces depicting ethnology students’ relationship with their research field. TÉNYKÉPEK opened to the public on the 15th of May 2017. The exhibition created and coordinated by Csiki
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