UBB | News

The BBU Faculty of Letters organized with international support a summer school between 17–31th July for Transylvanian high school-students of Romanian, Hungarian, German, Roma and other nationalities. The vocational training offered various literary and lingvistic activities and gave the possibility to get acquainted playfully with the foreign languages and cultures that are taught at our Faculty. Besides that the pupils could take part in diverse freetime activities as well that involved a visit in the Turda salt mine, cinema, numerous classical, folk and pop music concerts or walks at Cluj.

In the summer school could take part altogether 15 10th and 11th grader students from schools having Hungarian as the language of education from Târgu Secuiesc, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Satu Mare, Baraolt and Baia Mare. For two weeks they had the possibility to “taste” how life at the university was. In the first week they collaborated in vocational trainings with Romanian and Ucrainian pupils, whereas in the second week they attended literary, linguistic and ethnographic courses organized by the Hungarian department.

We thank them and teacher Piroska Fejér for their active participation! It was a pleasure for our teaching staff, doctorands and the organizing committee as well.

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