UBB | News

On 10–11th March 2017 will take place the BBU Interdisciplinary Forum for Talents (workshop and conference) organized by the Babeş–Bolyai University and the Kolozsvári Magyar Egyetemi Intézet (KMEI) [Hungarian Academic Institute Cluj].


Those who want to participate or hold a lecture may apply on the site atom.ubbcluj.ro/itf/.

The prolongated deadline for applications is 6th March 2017. When applying the abstract of the presentations must be uploaded. The excerpts will be made public on the website of the conference. If too many persons apply, these abstracts are also going to decide about the participation.

Students from bachelor’s and master’s studies, members of the vocational colleges of the BBU and KMEI, respectively participants of the Fall 2016 communications training are welcome. Following the plenary lectures of the invited guests, the program goes on with workshops. The participants set forth short lectures in their research field, followed by a longer moderated discussion.

The best lecturers will be awarded with prize money.

Participation is free.

For further information see http://news.ubbcluj.ro/hu/event/interdiszciplinaris-tehetsegforum-konferencia-ahol-a-legjobb-eloadot-dijjazzak.

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