Lázár Aliz | Doktori Iskola, Hungarológiai Tudományok Doktori Iskola

Júlia Jakab, a first-year student at our doctoral school, has published a paper on Hungarian
Studies in German. Published as the 12th volume of the Klausenburger Beiträge zur
Germanistik, the volume entitled Gender und Gendern in Sprache und Literatur examines the
literary and linguistic frameworks, regularities and conventions of social gender. Edited by
Manuel Dressel and Thomas Schneider, the volume contains fourteen essays. Our student’s
essay examines how Lilla Bulyovszkyné Szilágyi, the Hungarian actress who had the greatest
career in mid-19th century European theatre, created for herself an intellectual, cultured
image of an actress combining the roles of actor and writer to make her mark on the German
stage. Júlia Jakab’s study is part of her doctoral thesis under the supervision of dr. Levente T.
Szabó. The study and the book can be downloaded here.

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