Gabriela Isaila | News

The Ethnography Section of the XX. Scientific Student Conference of Transylvania was held on the 19th of May  2018. The conference was opened by Klára Kuti PhD, cultural anthropologist of the German Minority Museum (Hungary) with her lectured entitled Research, education, museum: the responsibility of cultural researchers. Following the plenary lecture, 11 students presented their papers.

The results of the Ethnography Section of Study Scientific Conference in Transylvania:

  • 1st prize: Anett Kedves, title of her thesis: Postcards about Szeklerland from the period between 1940–1944. Visual representations of Andory Aladics Zoltán (1899–1990).
  • 2nd prize: Réka-Orsolya Csiki, title of her thesis: Jazz in the Park – festival as a community organizing platform.
  • 3rd prize: Norbert Pál, title of his thesis: An etnosemiotic examination of the cemetery of Kiskede.

The award-winning students went to the national student conference, which will be held in Hungary, in 2019.

Our master student Anett Kedves received special prizes too. The Bolyai Society of Cluj-Napoca judged her the ETDK Award for Hungarian Higher Education because of her self-problem-driven and innovative own research results, and her open-ended research for an interdisciplinary approach.

Anett Kedves, master student at Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Antropology, and scientific director of her thesis, assistant professor Szikszai Mária, lecturer at the Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Antropology, received the joint offering extraordinary prize Furthermore of the Transylvanian Reformed Church District and the Pallas Athena Domus Concordiae Foundation (PADOC).

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