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Our vocational college, the Láthatatlan Kollégium [Invisible College] initiated in the 2016/2017 academic year the launching of an interdisciplinary series that colligates researchers from different vocational colleges. The programs take place with the help of the following co-organizers: Kerényi Károly College (Pécs, Hungary), Mérei Ferenc College (Budapest, Hungary), Pro Philosophia College (Cluj), Entz Géza College (Cluj). The aim of the series is to set into critical light and into the focus of research the literary, art historic and architectural, philosophical, respectively social historic heritage of the state socialist era.

The first meeting is due between 16–18th December 2016 in Cluj. The members of the above mentioned vocational colleges are going to have the possibility to participate on lectures and seminaries by tutors and members of these institutes. The seminaries may be attended only after the lecture of the given compulsory bibliography.

A detailed program can be found here.

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