UBB | News

An ethnographic lecture is going to open the new year for the Hungarian community of the Faculty of Letters. This will take place on 3rd October 2016, 2 pm.

The Romanian-speaking opening lecture is due as well in the Eminescu room, at 11 am. Lecturer: Levente Szabó, associate professor at the Department of Hungarian Literary Studies. Title:

7 întrebări despre prima revistă internaţională de literatură comparată (Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, 1877–1888, Cluj/Londra) [7 Questions about the First International Comparative Literature Journal (Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum, 1877–1888, Cluj/London)].

The official opening festivity of the entire Hungarian department of the BBU is scheduled at 6 pm in the main building located in the Kogălniceanu street, Aula Magna.

A lecture by the physician and university professor Zoltán Néda is going to be heard. Inaugural speeches will be given by vice-rector dr. Anna Soós and Konrád Gergely Rés, student vice-prefect.

The Visszhang choir and the choir of the Faculty of Reformed Theology will also give a performance.

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