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On the 20th of October 2017 the Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Antropology of Babeș-Bolyai University, the Kriza János Ethnographic Society, the Commitee on Ethnography and Antropology of KAB (Regional Committee in Cluj of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), and the Department of Humanities, Language and Histology of EME (Transylvanian Museum Society) co-organized a science history conference with the following title: Historical traditions and heritage in the ethnographical research of Kolozsvár.

The moderation of the conference sessions was undertaken by Dóra Czégényi, Vilmos Tánczos, Vilmos Keszeg and Zsolt Albert Jakab.

The twenty-five Romanian and Hungarian speakers coming to the conference delivered lectures on various subjects. To mention some interesting examples, there was a lecture about research career paths, examining the impact of cheering cards and school reader communities, presenting regional and folk research camps, about historical reconstruction of a folk high school, demonstrating the functioning of youth associations, exploring the techniques of artistic expression of the folk culture, and about summarizing the methodology and results of research areas.

At the end of the meeting, the experiences and lessons learned from the ten research history conferences organized so far have been summed up a panel discussion, led by professor dr. Vilmos Keszeg.

The manuscripts of the conference were published in the 25th yearbook of the Kriza János Enthnographic Society which title is Ethnography in Transiylvania: institutions, researchers’ lives, mentalities.

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