András Benke | Doktori Iskola, Hungarológiai Tudományok Doktori Iskola, News | , ,

The volume Misztika a késő középkori magyar nyelvű kolostori kódexirodalomban [Mysticism in the Late Medieval Hungarian-language Monastic Codices] by Ágnes Korondi was presented at the Faculty of Letters of the Babeş–Bolyai University on 22nd May 2017. The author of the volume is a former student of the Hungarology Doctoral School, she defended her doctoral dissertation written with thesis advisor dr. Csilla Gábor in 2014.

The book was published by the Egyetemi Műhely Publishing House of the Bolyai Society (Cluj-Napoca). Its subject is the reception of the texts of Western Christian mysticism in late medieval Hungarian monastic codex-literature. It approaches its topic functionally, and places these pious texts back in that rich devotional context in which they were used in the late middle ages.

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