
Research domains:

  • erdélyi népszokások
  • az erdélyi magyar szórványközösségek család- és társadalomszerkezete
  • a székely népi kultúra és reprezentációja
  • a moldvai csángók népköltészete, társadalma és identitása
  • az erdélyi szászok társadalomszerkezete és népszokásai


I attended the Babeș–Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca in 1981, specialization: Hungarian–Russian Language and Literature. Between 1981 and 1990 I was a teacher in TârguSecuiesc, then, starting with the fall of 1990, I contributed to the ethnographic education initiated within the BBU. Here I sustained in 1997 my PhD thesis entitled Saxon Influences in the Hungarian Folk Customs from Transylvania. Since 2002 I have benne working as a university professor at the Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology, starting with 2005 being a PhD coordinator as well. I am the author of 14 volumes, co-author of 7 volumes. I have published 109 studies in conference volumes, 67 studies in scientific reviews, 88 articles in other periodicals, and I am also the editor of 23 books. I was the president of the KrizaJános Ethnographic Society between 1990 and 2012, while after 2012 I have been the president of honour. In 2013 I had an active part in the founding of the Csángó Ethnographic Museum of Zăbala. I am the vice-president of the International Society for Hungarian Studies since 2011. For my academic and educational activity I was awarded the following distinctions: JankóJános Award (Hungarian Ethnographic Society, 1989), BányaiJános Award (Hungarian Cultural Society of Transylvania, 1998), GyörffyIstván Award (Hungarian Ethnographic Society, 2002), Award for the Csángó Culture (Ministry of National Cultural Heritage, 2004), Hungarian Presidency Award (2011). I am an external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2010. My academic results are due first of all to the great professors of BBU, who offered me a systematic and diversified education between 1977 and 1981, preparing me for my academic and educational career. Since 1990 the same university has been assuring the scientific background and environment, necessary for my professorship and scientific research. The drive to pass over everyday life is given by constant dialogue with my younger colleagues and my students.

Selected publications

  1. Álomvíz martján. Fekete-ügy vidéki magyar népballadák. Gyűjtötte, bevezetővel és jegyzetekkel ellátta Pozsony Ferenc. Kriterion Könyvkiadó, Bukarest 1984. p. 304. ISBN 894 511 – 18
  2. Szól a kakas már. Szász hatás az erdélyi magyar jeles napi szokásokban. Pro-Print Könyvkiadó, Csíkszereda 1998. p. 327. ISBN 973-9311-26-1
  3. Festbrauche der siebenbürger Sachsen. Pro-Print Verlag. Miercurea Ciuc, 1999. p. 255. ISBN 973-9311-50-4
  4. The Hungarian Csángó of Moldova. Corvinus Publishing. Buffalo – Toronto, 2006. ISBN 1-882785-18-18-5
  5. Háromszéki ünnepek. Dolgozatok háromszéki népszokásokról. Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság. Kolozsvár, 2015. p. 344. ISBN 978-973-8439-82-5


  • Introduction to ethnography
  • Regional cultural differences
  • Folk customs
  • The modernization of traditional societies. Szeklers between modernity and myth.
  • Cultural interferences. Ethnic and regional cultures in Transylvania
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