UBB | News

The discussion in English took place on 17th March 2017 in the assembly hall of the BBU. The 2015 Hungarian drama film, set in Auschwitz, was directed by László Nemes, and won several prestigious awards: Grand Prix in Cannes, the award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards, the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film. This time the actors in the two main roles, Géza Röhrig and Levente Nemes (the latter a member of the Hungarian Theatre from Cluj) were interviewed by István Berszán, the leader of the Institute for Hungarian Literary Studies, and Mihaela Ursa. The program was organised by the Hungarian department of the Faculty of Letters, the Institute for Hungarian Literary Studies and the Kolozsvári Magyar Egyetemi Intézet [Hungarian Academic Institute Cluj].

The sound recording may be downloaded from: /data/hirek/son%20of%20saul%2017_03_2017.mp3

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