Student club „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung“ (“Interdisciplinary Transmission of Values”)


Founder: Anita-Andreea Széll, PhD Lecturer

The activity of this student club as an extracurricular activity of the Department started in the second semester of the Academic year 2017-2018 having as organizers Mmes. Anita-Andreea Széll, PhD Lecturer, and Gabriella-Nóra Tar, PhD Senior Lecturer, and titled „Narrative Academy Cluj”. Since 2019 its activity has continued under the guidance of Mrs. Anita-Andreea Széll having its named changed into „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung“ (“Interdisciplinary Transmission of Values”).

The themes of the study group titled “Klausenburger Erzählakademie” (“Narrative Academy of Cluj”) have been diverse, mostly classic stories and tales from German and universal literature were discussed, the main purpose of the activity being the development of German vocabulary and language skills.The new designation „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung“ (“Interdisciplinary Transmission of Values”) has amended the themes, but also complemented the previous goals and scope of the study group. Stories, comics, fables, illustrated stories, poems and other literary genres for children are now studied through the interdisciplinarity method, by comparing these texts with information and contents from other academic subjects, such as Biology, Geography, History, Pharmacy, etc.

The activity of the group consist of meetings held twice a month and workshops on literature and grammar for children and young adults. The main purpose of this student club is conveying the ethical and moral values to the students through the means of grammar and literature dedicated to children and young adults. With the help of literary texts for children and young adults, the linguistic capabilities and skills of the student group are shaped and improved, since these texts have an accessible language that provides a better understanding of their content. A secondary purpose of the study group would be to create a relaxed atmosphere for the participating students, where they would be at ease for them to express themselves. At the same time, it is important for the members of the group to develop their vocabulary and acquire new perspectives on German grammar. These new perspectives will help the students in expressing themselves and in their research on the scientific side of the German language. By both extending the knowledge in the domain of literature for children and young adults and developing strategies for the teaching of grammar rules there are thus created the fundamentals of this workshop that targets the recognition of ethical values of humanity.

The meetings of the group take place twice a month and these meetings are not only for learning and for entertainment purposes but conceived to encourage also an active participation in society.

The teaching methods used vary and they offer to the members of the group some training for their future teaching profession. The main methods are as follows:

  1. Combining the literary texts with the grammar;
  2. Making use of images as a starting point in the interpretation of the texts;
  3. Fostering interactivity between the group members, conversation and expression of opinion;
  4. Encouraging reflection and feedback for the other members of the group.

The future perspectives are optimistic; this activity has shown that literary, linguistic and cultural skills and competences could be developed with the help of stories and texts extracted from the literature dedicated to children and young adult. Due to an improvement in the knowledge and aptitudes of the group members, in time there has been recorded a significant increase in the active participation of the group members by means of themes that stemmed from this student club and presented at the annual German Linguistic Colloquium (from 2013 onwards) of the Department of the German Language and Literature, whose organizers are Mmes. Daniela Vladu, PhD Senior Lecturer, and Anita-Andreea Széll, Phd Lecturer.

Publications resulting from the student club’s activity:
Széll, Anita-Andreea – Tar Gabriella-Nóra: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im rumänischen Germanistikstudium am Beispiel der Klausenburger Erzählakademie (Children´s and young adult literature in German studies in Romania through the example of the Narrative Academy of Cluj). In: Herz-Gazeau, R. und Link, K. (Hg.) Kinder- und Jugendliteratur im universitären DaF-Unterricht, Berlin: Peter Lang 2019, pp. 193-208. ISBN: 978-3-631-80074-4.
Széll, Anita-Andreea: Extracurriculare Tätigkeitsformen als Bestreben um eine interdisziplinäre Arbeit an der Klausenburger Germanistik (Extracurricular activities as aspiration for achieving an interdisciplinary work at the German Studies in Cluj). In: Jakabházi, Réka / Wittstock, Ursula / Katzlberger, Kerstin (Ed.): Klausenburger Beiträge zur Germanistik. Vol. 9. Germanistik im Spiegel: Wege und Umwege einer Wissenschaft. Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință 2020. S. 185-195. ISBN: 978-606-17-1688-3.
Donțu, Romina-Elena: Die pragmatische Rolle der Äquivalenz in rumänischen Übersetzungen des Grimm’schen Märchens „Die drei Männlein im Walde“ (The pragmatic role of the equivalence of Romanian translations in the Brothers Grimm’s tale „The Three Little Men in the Wood“). In: Klausenburger Beiträge zur Germanistik. Ed. Jakabházi Réka, Wittstock Ursula, Katzlberger Kerstin. Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărții de Știință, 2020. S. 155-169. ISBN: 978-606-17-1688-3.

1st of April 2019 – Workshop on the topic Kinder-und Jugendliteratur (Children and young adult’ literature) titled Bildergeschichten und Comics im Unterricht (Stories with illustrated images and comics in teaching German language), within the „Klausenburger Erzählakademie” (The Narrative Academy of Cluj).
13th of November 2019 – Workshop on the topic Kinder-und Jugendliteratur (Children and young adult’ literature) titled Rumänische Vogelarten und die literarische Gattung des Märchens (Romanian bird species and the literary genre of the fairy tale), within the „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung“ (“Interdisciplinary Transmission of Values”)
6th of April 2020 – Online Workshop on the topic Kinder-und Jugendliteratur (Children and young adult’ literature) titled Kindergedichte über Tiere und Blumen (Children’s poems about animals and flowers), within the „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung“ (“Interdisciplinary Transmission of Values”).
Online at: (last accessed on: 6.04.2020)
1st of May 2020 – Online Workshop on the topic Kinder-und Jugendliteratur (Children and young adult’ literature) titled Die polarisierte Rolle des Waldes in den Märchen der Weltliteratur (The polarized role of the forest in the fairy tales of world literature), within the „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung“ (“Interdisciplinary Transmission of Values”).
Online at: (Last accessed on: 01.05.2020)
9th of December 2020 – Online workshop on the topic Kinder-und Jugendliteratur (Children´s and young adult literature) titled „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung durch Leseabend und Kamishibai-Theater“ (Interdisciplinary transmission of values through evening reading and Kamishibai theater), within the „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung“ (“Interdisciplinary Transmission of Values”). Held online via Skype, the Advents workshop Group 2020, link: .

Internship for members:
9.04.2019 – 12.04.2019 – Széll, Anita-Andreea – Tar, Gabriella-Nóra:  Organization in partnership with the Faculty of Letters and the student organization “Klausenburger Erzählakademie” (Narrative Academy of Cluj) and in cooperation with ASTRA library and the ASTRA Village Museum of Sibiu of a professional training workshop on the topic Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (Children and adult’ literature) held in Sibiu with the purpose of discovering the ethnographic environment of the German and Romanian once upon a time fairy tales. Application for funding was made to and approved by the Romanian Ministry of Education.

Media appearances:
The photos about the online Advents workshop titled „Interdisziplinäre Wertevermittlung durch Leseabend und Kamishibai-Theater“ (Interdisciplinary transmission of values through evening reading and Kamishibai theater) held on 09.12.2020 were published on 18.01.2021 in the TV show Transilvania Policromă (Polychrome Transylvania) of Romanian public TV station branch “TVR Cluj” with the theme Home-office în timpul pandemiei (Home-office during the pandemic)
YouTube: .
More information about the above workshop below:,,


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