Balázs Imre József EN
Imre József BALÁZS
senior lecturer
Research domains:
- 20. századi magyar irodalom
- avantgárd
- erdélyi magyar irodalom
My research interests refer to the modernist period and to contemporary Hungarian literature, with particular expertise on the avant-garde, socialist realism and regional literatures.
I have recently written comprehensive articles on Hungarian literature from Romania for international audiences, in the volumes Romanian Literature as World Literature (Bloomsbury, New York, 2017) and Dicţionarul General al Literaturii Române (Editura MNLR, Bucharest, 2017), based on my previous research on the topic (published in Erdélyi magyar irodalom-olvasatok, Egyetemi Műhely, Cluj, 2015).
My monograph on the Transylvanian avant-garde was published both in Hungarian (2006) and in a Romanian translation (2009), leading to international contacts and publications in this field. I am member of the European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies since 2011 and publish regularly on the topic of the international avant-garde.
I am currently working on a project on Surrealist literature and art.
Selected publications
- Trees, Waves, Whirlpools: Nation, Region, and the Reterritorialization of Romania’s Hungarian Literature. In: Mircea Martin – Christian Moraru – Andrei Terian (eds.): Romanian Literature as World Literature. Bloomsbury, New York, 2017. 115-132.
- A Postwar Surrealist network: Claude Serbanne’s networking activity in Cahiers du Sud. Transylvanian Review 2016, Supplement no. 1, 187–198.
- The Non-Oedipal Android: Towards a Surrealist Utopia in Postwar Romania. In: David Ayers – Benedikt Hjartarson – Tomi Huttunen – Harri Veivo (eds.): Utopia: The Avant-Garde, Modernism and (Im)possible Life. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2015. 445–457.
- Onirologie française à Budapest: les Mnésiques de Marcel Jean. Mélusine nr. 35, 2015. 231–245.
- Erdélyi magyar irodalom-olvasatok. Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó – Bolyai Társaság, Kolozsvár, 2015.
- Creating the ’New Man’: Propaganda and its Alternatives in Hungarian Literature from Romania, 1948–65. In: Judith Devlin – Christoph Henrik Müller (eds.): War of Words: Culture and the Mass Media in the Making of the Cold War in Europe. University College Dublin Press, Dublin, 2013. p. 180–191.
- Body, Love, Object: Frontiers for Romanian Surrealism. Transylvanian Review 2013, Supplement No. 1, 90–98.
- A sztálinizmus irodalma Romániában. Komp-Press – Korunk, Kolozsvár, 2007. (Coord. Balázs Imre József)
- Minor és maior nyelvhasználati módok az erdélyi magyar irodalomban. Kisebbségkutatás 2006/2. 229–236.
- Az avantgárd az erdélyi magyar irodalomban. Marosvásárhely, Mentor, 2006. (ed. română Bastion, Timişoara, 2009.)
- Hervay Gizella. Kriterion, Kolozsvár, 2003.
- Theory and practice of the literary profession
- Intercultural Communication in the Modern Transylvanian Literatures
- 20th century Hungarian Literature
- Literary Criticism
- European modernism
- The History of Transylvanian Hungarian Literature