Árpád Töhötöm SZABÓ

lecturer, head of the department

Research domains:

  • economic anthropology
  • social anthropology
  • political anthropology


My research interests fall within the area of economic, social and political anthropology. I conducted research mostly in Transylvanian rural communities (but also in urban settings) in these fields encompassing the topics of mutuality and reciprocity in economic and social life, interethnic relations and the ethnic background of economic activities, changes and reconstruction of rurality, local ecological knowledge and agricultural restructuration, histories and narratives of socialism and postsocialism. In my first book published in 2002 I investigated the social roles of a local association that governed a specific segment (use of commons and sheep farming) of the local economic life. In my next larger project (results published in 2009) I focused on the different aspects of cooperation between households in rural communities. In my next book that was published in 2013 I continued the investigation of rural life, this time focusing on the relations between different ethnic groups in a multiethnic community and their connections to the globalised world. I argued that external connections became increasingly part of what would call local successes. In the next years (2014-2016) in a larger, multidisciplinary project (Culture and Nature in Transylvania: Past and Future, cultureandnature.ro) I supervised a group of young researchers who investigated the cultural heritage of a region and the intersections of culture and nature in the same area.

Selected publications

  1. Kihalt vidék: a vidékiség értelmezései az állami és piaci rezsimek kontextusában. [Waste Land: Interpretations of Rurality in the Context of State and Market Regimes]. Erdélyi Társadalom. Társadalomtudományi szakfolyóirat 2016. XIV/1. 91–111.
  2. Lokális közösségek? Helyi kapcsolatok, kimozdulási gyakorlatok és idegenségtapasztalat a falusi társadalomban. [Local communities? Local connections and the experiences of the non-local in rural society] Ethnographia 2016. 127 (1). 79–93.
  3. A Dairy Cooperative in the Making: History, Ethnicity and Local Culture in an Economic Enterprise. Transylvanian Society. Volume 13, Special Issue 3 • Focus on Transylvania. 2015. 3. 47–65.
  4. Az egyedi és az általános feszültségei: a kulturális antropológia tanulságairól a globális világban [The tensions of the particular and the general: about the lessons of cultural anthropology in a global world]. Regio 23. 2015. 2. 106-121. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17355/rkkpt.v23i2.52
  5. Economic Regimes, Local Worlds and the Changing Meanings of Work in Rural Transylvania. Südosteuropa 62 (2014), no. 4, pp. 454-474.
  6. What happened to reciprocity? A general inquiry into reciprocal behavior on the example of traditional work parties. International Political Anthropology. Vol. 7 (2014) No. 2. 19–36.
  7. Self-sufficiency, Moral Values and Cooperation: Traditional Reciprocal Works in Transylvania. In: Keszeg, Vilmos (ed).: Who owns the tradition? The acts of the symposium ‘Who owns the tradition? What is its purpose? Tradition between culture, user and contractor’. Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület, Kolozsvár, 2014. 184–194.
  8. Does the Countryside Still Feed the Country? Producing and Reproducing the Rural in Transylvania. In: Luís Silva, Elisabete Figueiredo (eds.) Shaping Rural Areas in Europe: Perceptions and Outcomes on the Present and the Future. GeoJournal Library, vol. 107. 2013. 165–180.
  9. Gazdasági adaptáció és etnicitás: gazdaság, vidékiség és integráció egy erdélyi térségben. [Economic Adaptation and Ethnicity: Economy, Rurality and Integration in a Transylvanian Region]. Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Cluj-Napoca, 2013
  10. Agriculture, Work and Products: The Effects of the Market on the Economics of an Agricultural Settlement. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 2013. 58 (1), pp. 163–176.
  11. Fading regional borders? The viewpoint of rural economy and way of life – Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 2012. 57 (1), 45–56.
  12. Where Are the Tourists? Shifting Production, Changing Localities in a Szekler Village In: A. Boscoboinik and H.. Horakova (eds.). From production to consumption. Transformation of rural communities. Münster–Zürich: Lit Verlag 2012. 63–78.
  13. Kooperáló közösségek. Munkavégzés és kapcsolatok a falusi gazdálkodásban. [Cooperating communities. Work and Relations in Rural Economy]. Mentor, Târgu Mureş, 2009
  14. Közösség és intézmény. Stratégiák a lónai hagyományos gazdálkodásban. [Community and Institution. Strategies in Lóna’s Traditional Farming.], Kriza János Ethnographic Society, Cluj-Napoca, 2002


  • Economy and way of life, course and seminar
  • Social anthropology, course and seminar
  • Strategy and mentality in economic life between tradition and modernization, course and seminar
  • Anthropology of socialism and postsocialism, course and seminar
  • Research methodology (discipline held jointly with dr. Czégényi Dóra)
  • Introductory seminars for ethnography (two terms) and anthropology
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