Csilla GÁBOR


Research domains:

  • the history of medieval and early modern literature
  • devotional literature in the 16–17th centuries
  • the history of rhetorics


Research interests: the history of medieval and early modern literature, devotional literature in the 16–17th centuries, the history of rhetorics, all in an interdisciplinary and intercultural approach. The subjects are linked to the research topics: besides baroque literature we study hagiography, myths and literature, classical rhetorics, textology. Research activity is being done in the framework of the workshop Res Litteraria Transylvaniae Vetus founded and directed by myself. The antecedent of todays’ workshop was the research that began around the mid ’90-ies. In that period the research was focused basically on the sermons written in the Early Modern Period, along with studying the 16–17th century books, literature and culture of history. It proved very promising: this work resulted in essays, dissertations and publications. All these became the pinpointers of the following workshops.

Since 1994 the leaders and members of the workshop participate regularly at conferences held in Romania, Hungary and in other foreign countries and publish their research and findings. 2007 is a landmark, because since that year it is possible to continue this kind of research within the framework of the PhD program of Hungarology at the Faculty of Letters.

The interest and themes changed and expanded, as well as the approach. What has stayed the same in these diversified research fields are the synchronizing of philological accuracy (in some cases the discovery of unknown texts) and creative interpretation.

The research group has been collaborating with Hungarian institutions since the beginning of the workshop itself, mainly with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Literary Studies; the University of Debrecen, Department of Hungarian Literature and Cultural Studies; and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Department of Hungarian Literature. This collaboration was confirmed in 2013 by an official contract of cooperation: https://btk.ppke.hu/tudomanyos-kozelet/kutatasok/mta-ppke-barokk-irodalom-es-lelkiseg-kutatocsoport/egyuttmukodeseink

Since 2015 as the Babeş-Bolyai University joined the international platform Refo500 and RefoRC Res Litteraria Transylvaniae Vetus became a member of this organization.

Selected publications

  1. Káldi György prédikációi: Források, teológia, retorika, Debrecen, Kossuth Egyetemi Kiadó, 2001.
  2. Religió és retorika: Tanulmányok a középkori, reneszánsz, barokk irodalomról, Kolozsvár, Komp–Press, 2002.
  3. Gábor Csilla, Doctrine – Virtue – Memory: Seventeenth-century Hungarian Devotional Literature in European Context, Kolozsvár, Egyetemi Kiadó, 2007.
  4. Gábor Csilla, Hit, hitel, bizodalom – mozaikkockák az alteritás tanúságaiból, Korunk, 2012/1, 13–18.
  5. Keresztyéni felelet: Hitviták a 16–17. században, vál., szöveggondozás, előszó, jegyzetek: Gábor Csilla, Kolozsvár, Polis, 2013.
  6. Gábor Csilla, Trient után – bibliafordítás, bibliafilológia, lelkiségi hagyományok = Fejezetek a kora modern esztétikai gondolkodás történetéből (1450–1650), szerk. Horkay Hörcher Ferenc, Bp., L’Harmattan, 2013, 173–183.
  7. Gábor Csilla, Laus et polemia: magasztalás és vetekedés közép- és kora újkori szövegtípusokban, Debrecen–Kolozsvár, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó–Egyetemi Műhely Kiadó, 2015.
  8. Gábor Csilla, Spiritual Ways, Spiritual Faculties: Mediaeval Spirituality in Early Modern Devotion: Texts and Practices, Religion and Theology, 2016/2, 128–147.
  9. Gábor Csilla, Köszöntés a Krímből – egy családi levél és kontextusa, in Testimonio litterarum: Tanulmámyok Kajó Zsigmond tiszteletére, szerk. Dáné Veronka, Lupescuné Makó Mária, Sipos Gábor, Kolozsvár, Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, 2016, 135–142.
  10. Gábor Csilla, Katolikus–protestáns hitviták anyanyelven a 16. század derekán: témák, érvek, nyelvi kísérletek, in Egyházi társadalom a Magyar Királyságban a 16. században, szerk. Varga Szabolcs, Vértesi Lázár, Pécs, Pécsi Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola, 2017, 373–392.


  • Philology
  • Baroque literature
  • Hagiography
  • Myths and literature
  • Classical rhetorics
  • Textology
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