The Babes-Bolyai University of Sciences, trough the study program announced by the Human Resources Ministry for the student bursary of Makovecz, is offering full basic, master and doctoral qualification for attendant students, also offer instructive studies to hungarian higher education institution, in the second term of the school year 2017/2018.


The Makovecz project is advertised by the Human Resources Ministry, based on national higher education law from 2011. CCIV. 64 § article (2) point f) and it is  meant to support the hungarian foreigner higher education.

In favor of the hungarian-hungarian student mobility expansion, the Human Resources Ministry is offering special support for the allotted trans-borders hungarian Universities, respectively is according to the foreign students support for the after qualification. With this program, the foreign students can participate to many qualifications that lasts 1-5 months, like a collaboration between the participating universities. The two-sided mobility is not applied only for the motherland and the foreign region, but it can be crafted between other foreign regions too.

The Babes-Bolyai University of Science is choosing the mobility attendant students, by his own independent border.

The scholarship is concern exclusively those who practice the study and the period recommended by the evaluation committee and it is not transferable to another university or profession without a distinct approval of the Human Resources Ministry and the Babes-Bolyai University of Science.

The Babes-Bolyai University of Science deal with the scholarship grant and the other executive details.

The Babes-Bolyai University of Science is contracting per person with each student and help him with all the executive assignments.


If the attendant will provide false details in the datasheet, or conceal a concrete detail, fact that is tangent with the confiscation of the application, he will be disqualified.

The evaluation of the application is done by the evaluation committee appointed by the Babes-Bolyai University of Science.

The Babes-Bolyai Univesity of Science will send a written message by email, in 7 workdays that will contain the application results.

The Babes-Bolyai Univesity of Science is granting the scholarship to the students that obtain it.

The applicant student claim with the fact that he must complete units that are proportional with 20 credits in the hungarian higher education institute and at the end of the mobility, the student must send a certification to the Babes-Bolyai University of Science for proof. (This rule except the shorter, few weeks terms).

The applicant claim with the fact, that in case of absence, he must ask the permission from the university rector. For this approbation is required the acceptor declaration or any other document that confirm that the acceptor institute is disposed to accept the student in the granted period. Irrespective of the program term duration, the attendant student has to dispose, for this year, an aviable (signed) study agreement.

The participant student’s nominal list, of the Makovecz Student Scholarship Project is public. The student is allowing with his application the publicity of the scholarship obtainment, on the website.

Every regular student, that in the 2017-2018 school year have a valid privity with the institute, can apply to the Babes-Bolyai University of Science basic, master or doctoral qualification. The attendant students must dispose at least one finished school year at the mobility program, beginning and the last closed semester weighted study average it has to not be lower than 7,50.


Cannot participate to this program the persons that:

– in the 2017-2018 school year receive another scholarship or any other study assistance from the Human Resources Ministry and the Balassi Institute, or/and

– the students who receive assistance, scholarship based on any international or hungarian national accord.


  1. The attendant can register on: makovecz.granturi.ubbcluj.rowebsite
  2. The application deadline is 19 November 2017

Other questions and details can be received at Illyés Magda. Email address:


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