Daiana Cuibus

Conf. univ. dr. Daiana Cuibus
Departamentul de Limbă Română și Lingvistică Generală
Domenii de interes:
- Limba română contemporană
- Sintaxă
- Morfologie
- Fonetică
Daiana Cuibus (born in 1971) – PhD in Philology, Associate professor, Department of Romanian Language and General Linguistic, Faculty of Letters, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania (daianacuibus@yahoo.com)
As a grammar specialist, I was a member of various committees for the granting of the doctoral degree, admission to the doctorate, support of the papers and exams in the doctoral stage, as well as in the competition commissions for teaching positions and in the Drafting / Evaluation Committee for the Bachelor Exam and Admission Exams.
Lucian Blaga, A Metaphysics of the Logos, Ed. Echinox, 2005, ISBN 9738298504
The complex predicate – from innovation to tradition, in the Near and From Cluj. Linguistic Contributions – Homage to Professor G.G. Neamţu at 70, Scriptor Publishing House. Argonaut Publishing House, 2015, p.194-204.
The Romanian Subjunctive within the Complex Predicate, Volume 1, 1st International Conference New Dimensions of Philology – Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture, Poland, 2015
Notes on the determination of toponyms in the Romanian language, in the volume of the International Name Day Conference „Name and Appointment”, 3rd edition, Baia Mare, 2015
La langue roumaine entre l’imperfection de la grammaire et la perfection de l’identité nationale, in Le Séminaire International Penser l’Europe, București, 2016, FNSA, Romanian Academy.
Areas of interests and research fields: contemporary Romanian syntax, morphology and phonetics, approached from the point of view of neo-traditional relational grammar. Almost all of my work as a professional grammarian deals with this conceptual area – the courses that I teach (Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Controversial Morphosyntax Issues of Contemporary Romanian Language) and the published works.